Our blog has officially started! We've been working really hard on getting our new office up and running this summer and let me tell you, it has been amazing. The Paw Paw Community has been so supportive and in turn, we want to give back to our local families with great tips, the latest and greatest health information, and just some fun stuff for you to think about. Our goal is to have a new topic weekly which will pair with a health workshop in our office that goes into a little more detail! We want you to tell us what to write/talk about. Everyone has health questions and we want to answer as many as possible. Shoot us an email, post on our Facebook page, call the office, or tell us in person which questions you have or what you want to learn more about. We want to make this as easy and convenient as possible so we can reach out and educate as many families as possible. Taking care of your health and the health of those around you is the best thing you can do to increase your quality of life. We are here to help you along that journey! 

Yours in Health,

   Dr. B & Dr. J

We are accepting new patients!



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