We’ve all heard the excuses.

 “I don’t life weights because I don’t want to look bulky”

“I only do cardio so I can shed pounds”

“I don’t want shoulders like Urlacher”

“I just want a 6-pack”

“blah blah blah”

Women, I’m talking to all of you, why are we so afraid to lift weights? I understand the gym can be very intimidating. You probably think most gyms are full of muscle heads walking around with some weird pink/orange cocktail in a gallon jug, grunting during every rep, and possibly making you feel a little uncomfortable. Guess what? They don’t bite! They probably won’t even talk to you unless you initiate conversation. But…the guys that look like they lift weights for a living probably do AND if you really step out of your comfort zone, they might even give you some tips on what do at the gym.

Cardio is great for your heart, lungs, weight loss, and mobility of your joints. BUT it is not the only thing you should be doing at the gym. Weight lifting can benefit your life in soooooo many ways. Let’s go through a few biggies.

#1 Weight lifting helps you build lean muscle and burn fat (I don’t really think you need an explanation on this topic, who doesn’t want to have a strong, lean physique?)

#2 Lean muscle burns more calories at rest than fat

-You can burn calories at rest? Yup, so whether it’s at your desk or when you’re sleeping, your body will continue to burn calories long after a good pump at the gym.

#3 Having more lean muscle=your body will function better all day everyday

-Your daily activities will get easier, you will be stronger than your wimpy friends, you will look better in a bikini, and you will sleep better at night.

#4 Lifting slows down the aging process

-Weight lifting can actually help you maintain your metabolism, instead of that slow decline that typically starts around 30yrs. Keeping your metabolism elevated for as long as possible will help you lose those extra pounds a lot easier (and let you cheat on that diet a little more often without having to starve yourself the next day)


-Women, this is especially important for us. We’ve been told for years that calcium alone builds strong bones (and that we should get our calcium from our wonderfully processed and inflammatory store bought cow’s milk) well I call BS on both of those. Wolff’s Law states that bone grows and remodels in response to the forces that are placed upon it. More stress on bones (lifting weights) can help increase bone density. This reduces the risk of fractures and osteoporosis much more effectively than any supplement can.

#6 Improved Posture

-As chiropractors we love this one. A strong core helps support and stabilize your spine (You don’t have to see us as often, even though we know you love us)

Okay I’m rambling I get it…just a few more though! Lifting can help lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of injury, decrease your risk for diabetes, reduce back and neck pain, reduce stress, improve self-confidence and self-image, increase energy levels, and overall make you look and feel phenomenal.  

Ready to make a change now? First things first, go out and find a local gym. One that is convenient for you, affordable, and has a friendly staff. Take advantage of the free fitness consultation most gyms offer and if you have never lifted weights before, maybe sign up for a few sessions with a personal trainer. They will teach you how to use all the equipment without hurting yourself and can help you map out a solid workout regimen for your health goals. You should be doing a combo of cardio, weight training, and stretching. Now good luck ladies! Go kick some butt!

“You have two choices for tomorrow. You can be sore or you can be sorry you didn't start today. You make the call.”

Yours in health,

  Dr. B

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