We are over halfway through summer and FINALLY food tastes good again. There are so many amazing farmer’s markets around Southwest Michigan and most are starting to get full of amazing local organic produce.

There are many, many reasons to eat seasonally, but here is a small list we put together! Get out there this weekend to shop local, buy organic, and taste the season!

Supporting your body’s natural cycle - Each season’s produce is “designed by nature” to support our bodies in making the transition from one season to another. In spring we have access to leafy greens which support our liver function in regulating the body’s energy system. As we move into summer, we can stay hydrated and cool by eating water dense berries, cucumbers and leafy salads.

Taste – Eating food which is in season and really does taste better. It has been allowed to ripen naturally and picked at the right time and so is packed with freshness and flavor. Think of the perfect bowl of summer strawberries – juicy, sweet and vibrant in color!

Optimum Nutrition - Seasonal foods are picked at the peak of freshness and have a much higher nutritional content than produce which is out of season. A seasonal diet is diverse and provides your body with a whole host of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which change regularly and benefit your health and well being.

Supporting your body’s immune system - Food which is in season not only tastes better but may also contain ingredients that suit the body's needs for that time of year, such as summer fruits with their antioxidant and natural antihistamine properties as allergy season is in full bloom.

Education – Once you start eating seasonally you realize just how much variety we have available to us throughout the year and you have a whole new experience in terms of exploring different tastes, textures and learning about seasonal produce.

Get Creative - Keeping to what is seasonal or locally sourced encourages us to be more creative in the way we shop and cook. 

Organic/Free of Pesticides – Food which is grown out of season or not in its natural environment needs help from pesticides, preservatives and other chemicals to grow and look appealing to consumers in the supermarket. Choosing local and seasonal means you are more likely to get cleaner produce.

Supporting the Environment - Eating with the seasons and buying local helps to support the environment because it reduces the number of miles your food must travel before it reaches your plate. This in turn helps to reduces pollution.

Feeling Good - There's something instinctive about seasonal eating and following the natural cycle of produce. It also promotes mindful eating and really thinking about what you are putting into your body.

Support Local – Check out your local farmers markets, producers and other specialist shops to keep them in business for years to come!

For a list of what foods are in season for your area, follow this helpful link!


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