If you’ve watched the news in the past twelve months, you’ve probably heard the word glyphosate a few times. This active ingredient in the popular weed killer Round Up, has been proven to be carcinogenic. We are constantly hearing more reports about the levels of this in the foods we eat every day. The EWG released their second set of test results for 2018 and found all but two of Quaker and General Mills products contain significantly high levels of this weed kill in their cereals, granola bars, oats, and other products. The EWG has done risk assessments and decided that 160 parts per billion is the highest level our children should be exposed to glyphosate. They also found that 1-2yr. old children are the most exposed population in America.

How you may ask, does this crap end up in our “health foods”? Well, 250 million pounds of Round Up are sprayed on American crops every year. Mostly on genetically modified corn and soybeans that aren’t affected by this pesticide.  Another way this stuff gets used is just before harvest, farmers will spray oats, barley, bran, and wheat to “dry” them and make them ready for harvest sooner. These chemicals end up in our food, our water, and in the air we breathe. Scary huh?

Glyphosate has been linked to Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, proven to cause cancer when repeatedly exposed to it, and has been banned from use in many European countries. I believe there is no “safe” amount for any of us to ingest, especially not our kids.

What can we do to limit our exposure as much as possible? First off, stop buying products from companies who don’t care about our health. They know these chemicals are in their products, and they still continue to mass produce and sell them. They could start buying grains from organic farmers instead, but that would cost more and they aren’t about to lower their bottom dollar. Buying organic foods will always be a healthier option for your family. Yes, it is a little more expensive, but our health is worth the difference in cost. Stores like Trader Joes and Aldi are carrying healthy, organic brands that are very affordable and accessible.

Eating REAL FOOD and not buying processed “food-like substances” also limits your exposure to these harmful ingredients. www.whole30.com is a great source for healthy, real food recipes.

We can’t always control what’s in the air, or water, but we can control what we eat and what companies we support with our purchases. Let make good choices and move towards a healthier future.


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